- 谷文晁筆「対嶽楼宴集当日真景図」(広島県立歴史博物館蔵)の史的位置―雅集図・送別図の伝統に照らして― 藤原 幹大・中村 真菜美
The Historical Position of Tani Bunchō’s “True View of the Feast at the House of Shibano Ritsuzan”: Focusing on Elegant Gathering and Farewell Iconography Traditions FUJIWARA Kanta , NAKAMURA Manami - 蓬莱と亀―中近世和鏡の蓬莱紋の成立に寄せて 石谷 慎
On the Relationship between Penglai and Turtle in Chinese and Japanese Mirrors ISHITANI Makoto - 仙台藩校・養賢堂障壁画の朱子学による考察―東東洋筆「河図図」「洛書図」を中心に― 八島 伸
A Study related to The Teachings of Zhu Xi, of Wall and Sliding Door Paintings on Yokendo, the Sendai Clan School : Focusing on “Kato” and “Rakusyo” by Toyo Azuma YASHIMA Shin - 鶴澤探泉筆本法寺塔頭・尊陽院の天井画「雲龍図」について―天明の大火と矢倉九右衛門安盈による復興― 杉本 欣久
The ceiling painting of Unryu-zu (Oriental Dragon in Clouds) by Tsurusawa Tansen at Sonyoin, the tatchu of Honpoji Temple: The Great Kyoto Fire of the Tenmei era in 1788 and Restruction by Yagura Kyuuemon Yasumitsu SUGIMOTO Yoshihisa - 目次・投稿規定・査読基準・執筆者略歴・編集後記
- 竹生島・宝厳寺蔵「北斗九星像」について―特に二人の使者を中心として― 大本 美月
A Study on the Nine Septentrinal Saints Owned by Chikubushima Hōgonji Temple : Focusing Two Messengers. OOMOTO Mizuki - 尾形光琳の江戸行と銀の改鋳 杉本 欣久
The Relationship between Ogata Korin’s visit to Edo and the recasting of Silver Coins by Tokugawa Shogunate in the beginning of the 18th century. SUGIMOTO Yoshihisa - 目次・投稿規定・査読基準・執筆者略歴・編集後記
- 秋田蘭画の表現と制作背景に関する一考察 菅沼 楓
A Study of The representation and the Historical Background of Akita Ranga SUGANUMA Kaede - 歌川国芳と西洋銅版画―「二十四孝童子鑑」と「唐土廿四孝」の図様典拠を中心に 松浦 靖也
Utagawa Kuniyoshi and Western Copperplate Engravings: The Source of the Figure of the Series “A Child’s Mirror of the Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety” and “The Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China” MATSUURA Seiya - 西川祐信画『絵本常盤草』における着物表現と姿勢にみる合理性 杉本 優
The Rationality between Kimono Representation and Posture in the illustrated book print “Ehon Tokiwagusa” painted by Nishikawa Sukenobu SUGIMOTO Yutaka - 目次・投稿規定・査読基準・執筆者略歴・編集後記